Episode 20: Heart-Full Classic Flow

Episode 20: Heart-Full Classic Flow

This is a 60-minute Classic Flow. The first class of 2020 is all about nurturing a deep connection with your heart center through mindful movement. With breath as our constant companion, in this well-rounded practice we explore the upper chest in 3D. Front to back and side to side, we practice integrated heart-opening. Special attention is given to *intentional* core engagement and hip extension, as we work up to Wild Thing side plank variation and one-arm Camel pose with a twist. Gentle backbends build on one another, and high plank variations say hello. Standing series invite lower body to the party, leg-day style. Eagle everything, from chair to Warrior 1, makes an appearance, so don’t say you were not warned. The wind-down gives you an opportunity to fully experience the emotional effects of your asana practice. Newly found space in the heart center creates a deep sense of overall well-being, so why not bask in this state of softness, presence, and contentment? Stay as long as you like. Happy New Year, Yogis! Enjoy!

Episode 19: Holiday Bliss Classic Flow

Episode 19: Holiday Bliss Classic Flow

2020 YOGA RETREAT ALERT (see below)!

This is a 75-minute Classic Flow. For those still searching for the perfect gift (for yourself; you know, to make the Holidays bright), look no further. This is it. I invite you to discover ease and contentment in your own being as you flow through this rebalancing Vinyasa class. This breath-focused class is the ultimate moving meditation to balance the body in every direction - top to bottom, left to right, front body to back body. We begin with attention to breath, then explore dynamically making space in the thoracic spine - a theme that will show up many times during this class. Lunging Sun Salutations A explore hip extension and hamstring flexion breath to movement, then rounds of standing series dial the hips open, one featured pose at a time - Crescent Lunge, then Warrior 1, then Warrior 2 and finally Horse/Goddess squat. Balance elements highlight the need for stability through engagement in the lower body. Camel pose takes advantage of the hip extension work and offers the opportunity to explore the space created in the mid-back. The juicy wind-down features seated hip openers and their counter-poses. We work up to Firelog pose, through Half-Pigeon and Baby Cradle pose. You will feel like one happy baby by the time you roll onto the back and rock side to side. As stillness washes over you, you will know exactly what to do with your breath. Just be with it, one beginning, middle, and end at a time. Happy Holidays, Yogis! 

2020 YOGA RETREAT ALERT! A shout out to yogis who like to travel and are looking to plan some away-yoga-down-time into their upcoming 2020. I am planning my week-long yoga retreat offerings for the second half of 2020. I am thinking Bali in the Fall and Sayulita, Mexico in December. If you are interested in receiving more information, email me at hello@flowwithme.yoga. The gist is this – I am partnering with the highly-reviewed Drishti Journeys to offer you a transformative yoga and travel experience: two daily yoga practices, lots of local color and exploration, fantastic food, and decadent accommodations at private villas. Retreat group size is intimate, so there will be a lot of quality time with yourself and the natural beauty around you.

Episode 18: Autumn Folds Gentle Flow

Episode 18: Autumn Folds Gentle Flow

This is a 60-minute Gentle Flow. Did you know that they take away your yoga teacher card if you aren’t at least a little bit inspired by the changing seasons? Ok, not really, but almost. In an effort to keep my yoga teacher card J, I am offering you a practice for the Fall focused on forward folding. As the days get shorter and darker, it feels more natural to turn inward both symbolically, taking stock of the year coming to an end, and also physically, by conserving energy and soothing the body. Forward folds are calming for the nervous system and are exactly what is needed at this time of year. 

In this gently paced, breath-centered class, we explore the role of hip flexors and the core in folding forward. We begin mindfully and prepare for forward folding with moving twists and side bends in lunging Sun Salutations A along with prone backbends. Sun Salutations B feature Warrior 1 and Triangle pose, igniting the inseam of the legs. Instead of classic Vinyasa transitions, we play with Sphinx and Forearm Plank as a way to bring attention to the core in an undeniably intense way. We put it all together in Boat Pose, taking Reverse plank is its counter. When we go on the back, neutral spine postures with knees bent dominate to provide the spine some time to reset. Fallen Bridge pose winds down the practice and eases the body into a restful Savasana. So, just how Fall is this practice? It is the yoga equivalent of a decaf PSL at 4pm. Enjoy!

Episode 17: Fall into Breath Classic Flow

Episode 17: Fall into Breath Classic Flow

This is a 60-minute Classic Flow. Simply put, this class is a moving pranayama practice. We link breath and movement, breathing and moving continuously for most of the practice. The goal of the class is to cultivate an evenness of breath while minimizing setup instructions and unnecessary talking. Have you ever been in a yoga class where you are sucking wind the whole time due to the whirlwind pace of the practice? Well, yep, so have I. This kind of class is missing out on the biggest element of yoga – an even, steady BREATH. While we lengthen many parts of the body during asana practice, lengthening the breath is the most important element of any Vinyasa Flow (cue my breath-centric soap-box). To breathe evenly, continuously, steadily is to remain centered. As we practice on our mat, we develop the ability to take this breath with us into challenging situations off the mat that leave us holding in exhales, stifling our power, and feeling off-kilter. Can you keep an even and steady breath at the very bottom of Chaturanga Dandasana? Or is it your pattern to rush through it to minimize the challenge? There is no fast-forwarding through the difficult parts of life, but we can certainly strive to meet them from a centered, steady place.


This practice focuses on back-bending and hip extension. Eventually we arrive at Wheel Pose, then keep on going to a juicy wind-down and rest in Savasana. Sun Salutations A take a progressive flow approach to classic lunging salutations. Sun Salutations B flow continuously and focus on the inseam and back line of the legs. Expect to lengthen the side seams of the torso with twists and to strengthen them with side planks. This is an all-around kind of practice. You would be hard-pressed to call it over-cued. You may find yourself fully aware of your breath as you go on about your day afterwards. You may find yourself being fully aware of the present moment. And isn’t that the heart of yoga? Enjoy!