Episode 20: Heart-Full Classic Flow

This is a 60-minute Classic Flow. The first class of 2020 is all about nurturing a deep connection with your heart center through mindful movement. With breath as our constant companion, in this well-rounded practice we explore the upper chest in 3D. Front to back and side to side, we practice integrated heart-opening. Special attention is given to *intentional* core engagement and hip extension, as we work up to Wild Thing side plank variation and one-arm Camel pose with a twist. Gentle backbends build on one another, and high plank variations say hello. Standing series invite lower body to the party, leg-day style. Eagle everything, from chair to Warrior 1, makes an appearance, so don’t say you were not warned. The wind-down gives you an opportunity to fully experience the emotional effects of your asana practice. Newly found space in the heart center creates a deep sense of overall well-being, so why not bask in this state of softness, presence, and contentment? Stay as long as you like. Happy New Year, Yogis! Enjoy!