This is a 50-minute Classic Flow. This practice is a breath-focused journey that features several types of Sun Salutations with prostration, Danda Pranam. If you have been holding on tight lately, this class is for you. Each exhale in this offering reminds you to let go, to soften, to release, and to fully arrive into the body.
This class is an offering from my personal asana practice. This is the form practice I do every morning before I sit down and explore the stillness within. On some days I do more asana later on, but this sequence is one that I do every single day. Rain or shine. Happy or grumpy. Rested or dragging. It is my daily reminder to let go: every time my forehead touches the floor in danda pranam, I soften, I surrender, I offer myself to something bigger, something unknown, something sacred and abundant. I invite you to join me in this practice. Perhaps when you are done, you may have time to sit in quiet contemplation with no agenda and to just be. Namaste, friends. Enjoy!