Episode 18: Autumn Folds Gentle Flow

This is a 60-minute Gentle Flow. Did you know that they take away your yoga teacher card if you aren’t at least a little bit inspired by the changing seasons? Ok, not really, but almost. In an effort to keep my yoga teacher card J, I am offering you a practice for the Fall focused on forward folding. As the days get shorter and darker, it feels more natural to turn inward both symbolically, taking stock of the year coming to an end, and also physically, by conserving energy and soothing the body. Forward folds are calming for the nervous system and are exactly what is needed at this time of year. 


In this gently paced, breath-centered class, we explore the role of hip flexors and the core in folding forward. We begin mindfully and prepare for forward folding with moving twists and side bends in lunging Sun Salutations A along with prone backbends. Sun Salutations B feature Warrior 1 and Triangle pose, igniting the inseam of the legs. Instead of classic Vinyasa transitions, we play with Sphinx and Forearm Plank as a way to bring attention to the core in an undeniably intense way. We put it all together in Boat Pose, taking Reverse plank is its counter. When we go on the back, neutral spine postures with knees bent dominate to provide the spine some time to reset. Fallen Bridge pose winds down the practice and eases the body into a restful Savasana. So, just how Fall is this practice? It is the yoga equivalent of a decaf PSL at 4pm. Enjoy!