Episode 34: Hands-Free Mandala Power Flow

This is a 45-minute Power Flow. This class offers a grounding, lower body and core focus and is free of any weight-bearing postures for the upper body. This front-to-back-of-mat flow features shoulder-opening arm variations in standing postures and places a strong emphasis on balance and controlled movement in and out of poses. We hold some, we flow some, we move with purpose and power. Round after round, we move deeper into challenging postures such as dekasana variations with a bind and with eagle arms. Hamstring opening work allows us to move into revolved heron pose. Cow Face posture is split in half - the arms portion shows up as a twist on Warrior Two, and the legs portion is taken on the back during the winddown. A quick restorative component leads us into a smooth and restful savasana. Enjoy!