This is a 45-minute Gentle Flow. This flow is my answer to the body’s needs after a workout such as cycling, running, hiking, bootcamp, or strength training. We address the major areas in need of love after such exertion - hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, outer hips, glutes, groin, front body, side-body, chest, neck, etc. There are no power-poses here and for good reason - this flow is about lengthening and unwinding tension. Modified standing postures are offered in succession and build up to a modified half-moon with sugarcane option (hello, hip extension, backbending and balance!) Go as far as you want and stay as long as your body is being served by the postures at hand. The wind-down includes reclined figure four stretch, forehead to shin, bridge or supported bridge, and reclined easy twist. Supta baddha konasana is where we finish, before savasana. If you have two blocks, grab them! If you ever wonder what asana class to do after a killer workout, wonder no more. Whether you run, spin, lift, (or something else that leaves you needing a legit stretch), do this class afterwards, same day or the next day. Enjoy!