Episode 29: Stand in Your Power Flow

This is a 40-minute Power Flow. This class honors a very human need to hit it “kind of hard” in your asana practice. If you want to move and work it out, all the while riding the even waves of your breath, this class is for you. As always, this is a breath-centered class, and no corners are cut on breath to accommodate someone’s idea of vinyasa pace. This class offers many opportunities to play with challenge and grace in transitions - Chair to Drinking Bird, Double Lunge to one-leg Mountain, Warrior 3 to Double Lunge, Triangle to Half Moon, etc. Special attention is given to the core with planks and side planks of all sorts, tree leg option included. Standing postures provide a sense of familiarity and flow at the heart of the class. Finally, a cooldown featuring hip extension, hip opening, and gentle twists paves the way to final rest in savasana. Feel free to stay as long as you want. You have earned the rest, my friend!