Episode 8: Triangles Everywhere Classic Flow

Episode 8: Triangles Everywhere Classic Flow

This is a 60-minute Classic Flow. In this class we bring the magic of breath to movement to the forefront of our practice. Rounds of Sun Salutations A wake up the spine, the core, and the hip flexors. Repeated rounds of chair pose bring energy and warmth to the quads, preparing them for standing postures. Moving Sun Salutations B work up to triangle pose, and rounds of one-legged plank flow gently work the core while featuring breath front and center. Warrior 1 and pyramid pose continue to prepare the legs for our peak pose - revolved tringle, which wrings out tension while challenging the sense of balance. Gentle backbends sprinkled throughout the practice are welcome counterparts to all the forward bending (and also to living in a hunched-over world). A mellow half pigeon and easy seated forward fold ease tension in the hips and lengthen the sides of the body. This class offers repetition in rounds of poses to let you focus on your breath, to let it shine, to let it rejuvenate you. We make shapes in order to access the breath and the sense of presence here and now. This class is intended to feel like a moving meditation, a journey within - with breath as your guide. Enjoy!

Episode 7: Glutes & Outer Hips Classic Flow

Episode 7: Glutes & Outer Hips Classic Flow

This is a 60-minute Classic Flow. In this class we address glutes and outer hips with strengthening and lengthening postures. Take this flow at your own pace and bring mindfulness to all repetitions of the offered poses. Instead of just getting through it, challenge yourself to be present and fully immersed in the journey. The destination is secondary, while the journey is the whole point. Echoes of poses you have seen earlier in the class show up later with a twist. Enjoy them! Welcome them! Take them up a notch, if you wish. After a gentle waking of the spine in Sun Salutation A without any chaturanga pushups, we move into a dynamic flow of standing postures in Sun Salutation B and belly-down core work which targets all three layers of the glutes; all I ask is that you follow along mindfully, feeling each movement rather than rushing through it. Gentle twisting in the mid-back paired with spine-lengthening concludes the ‘hard work’ portion of class, and after we take it down to the mat with Half-Pigeon (which can always be substituted with a reclined figure four stretch on each side), the ultimate hip and glute release. A few more relaxing stretches prepare your body for slowing down and going deep in Savasana. Enjoy!

Episode 6: Supported Half Moon Gentle Flow

Episode 6: Supported Half Moon Gentle Flow

This is a 56-minute Gentle Flow. Allow the intentional flow and gentle pace of this class to draw you deep into your practice. Enjoy ample time to set up your poses and take them to your edge. I invite you to open your heart and shoulders and to explore the strength of your side walls and your obliques. In this practice I offer a flowing Sun Salutation A and Vinyasa-style Sun Salutation B. A break for the legs brings core strength to the forefront of your practice and calls you to challenge your center – everything from your upper abdominals to inner thighs. Forearm planks make a brief appearance, as do forearm side-planks. The last standing series puts it all together with Supported Half-Moon/Sugarcane option. Enjoy a gradual wind-down and notice your heart rate slow down as you lay back onto the mat. This gentle flow has a little bit of everything (hello heart, shoulders, sides, hips, ankles) and a whole lot of mindful presence. Make it what you need today. This is YOUR practice. Enjoy!

Episode 5: Seal & Bow Power Flow

Episode 5: Seal & Bow Power Flow

This episode is a 65-minute Power Flow. This flow is a yoga equivalent of legs and back day at the gym, only a lot more zen. Your quads will be challenged by many a chair and crescent lunge. Your back will grow taught as we flow through flying locust in repeating rounds of Sun Salutation A. A steady rhythm of energetic standing poses in this slow-burn-flow Sun Salutation B will keep you moving and breathing. Core work will help in our quest towards the peak and will give the legs a much-needed break. Eventually we work up to Standing Bow Pulling pose and Floor Bow as well as prepare for and test out Seal pose. No attachment to taking any of these, of course; they are just opportunities to take your flow one step further if you wish. Towards the end of class we slip into a restful state of body and mind. Your effort and movement are rewarded with release and stillness. In this class I invite you to practice out of intention rather than out of habit. Some unusual transitions may come up, and I encourage you to resist muscle memory and to let my voice guide you. This class is the ultimate opportunity to go with the flow. Perhaps you can take this attitude with you off your mat. And who couldn’t use more flowing and less resisting in their day-to-day? Enjoy!

Episode 4: Mermaid Prep Power Flow

Episode 4: Mermaid Prep Power Flow

This episode is a 60-minute Power Flow. If you are feeling vital and powerful today, this is the practice for you. If you are feeling bleh and meh-meh today, this is also the practice for you. You simply cannot go wrong with this flow because it will bring you into your power and into the present moment. You may discover that you can indeed pause in your mid-plank for a full breath with great form. Sun salutations will build on one another, and you will seamlessly reach new depths in your holds and new grace in your flow. This class offers a full-body workout, along with a chance to deepen your half pigeon with a mermaid pose variation. We will flow, we will glow, then we will settle down and rest. This class offers a challenging flow with numerous opportunities to take it up a notch. Hello, single-leg bridge pose! No matter how far you choose to go, you will feel successful and strong. We will challenge our legs, core, upper body, and, as always, we will take time to slow down. We make shapes, so we may be still. And still you will be at the end of it all. When you wake from savasana, you may feel a sudden urge to conquer the world. Go for it! You are powerful!

Episode 3: Heart-Opening Gentle Flow

Episode 3: Heart-Opening Gentle Flow

This episode is a 60-minute Gentle Flow. We begin with classic Sun Salutations with heart-opening and back-bending variations and gently progress to standing postures with light-hearted twists, stretches, and holds. This practice challenges the muscle memory we rely on in traditional Vinyasa Flow and invites you to tap into the magic of breath, whether in stillness or in movement. This class offers the perfect balance of exertion and rest. We will challenge our legs, core, and upper body, but we will also take time to breathe and reset. This class is a combination of flow and stillness, of effort and release. Do you want to work? Do you also want to rest? This class is the answer. Enjoy!

Episode 2: Lunging Crescents Classic Flow

Episode 2: Lunging Crescents Classic Flow

This episode is a 60-minute Classic Flow practice. We focus on chest opening, work on the hip flexors, and discover the strength in our quads while holding and flowing through a fierce standing series. Core work gives the legs a break and fires up the abs. The second half of this energetic practice offers a counterbalance to movement and works up to Dancer’s pose and Floor Bow pose. Heart-opening binds, high-to-mid planks, deep lunges, gorgeous balancing moves, and a relaxing wind-down about cover it. This is a full hour of yoga, and you will feel worked out yet calm at the end. Enjoy!

Episode 1: Dancing Warriors Classic Flow

Episode 1: Dancing Warriors Classic Flow

This episode is a 50-minute Classic Flow practice. We open the front and back lines of the body, strengthen the sides, and challenge the core with movement and isometric holds. This practice is strongly rooted in classic standing postures and offers a beautiful Dancing Warriors flow. We hold, we flow, we open, and we stretch. We find time to wind down and internalize the benefits of the practice in savasana. This is a well-rounded flow that will serve you at any time of day, any day of the week. It will energize and center you. Enjoy!